Making game is easy with

Simple, clear commands. Age 12+
Drag-and-drop technology
Visual designer of the game level map
Real-time game setting controllers
Its own PointJS IDE game development environment
The library with ready-made animated characters
Multi-user mode of working on projects over the network
900+ lessons on Youtube
Two trademarks and a presidential grant

PointJS IDE is an integrated development environment (IDE) for creating 2-2.5D games for browsers, computers and mobile devices using the PointJS game engine. The development environment facilitates the process of creating games by providing developers with a convenient interface and tools for working with game objects, sprite animation, graphics, sound, and other elements of the game. PointJS IDE also allows you to create and edit code, debug, render, test and export the game in various formats for hosting on websites and other platforms.
pointjs ide
pointjs ide
Level Map Editor
A Visual designer of the game level map with drag-and-drop technology. You can configure objects immediately on the scene and set properties.

Code Editor
Fast code creation using drag-and-drop technology. Just drag an animation, a piece sound, picture, font to the desired area to create the object code. A system of snippets and hints when writing code.

Real-Time Controllers
Adjust any parameters of game processes and objects in real time without having to leave the game.

Just believe Me
I do not know the programming language.
Knowledge of the language is not necessary since you operate with ready-made commands. You only need to master the minimal javascript syntax. It is going to take you 15 minutes to learn the ropes. Thanks to the simple syntax, both adults and children can make games.

For instance, in order to draw an object on a scene, you use the command .draw(); and you can get the distance to the object with the getDistance() command;
I have a weak computer
It's even better. When creating a game, you will immediately test it for performance.

With a powerful computer, you may not notice various nuances, for example, extra game cycles. Then your game will slow down on other devices.

We have to make a game so that works for everyone!

I can't draw or make animation
And what for? You program a game. Now there are plenty of resources where you can take sprite animation, backgrounds, music, images and do it for free under the CCO license: / /

Or maybe you have a friend who draws well and is ready to join the game creation?

I believe that creative skills (composing music, drawing, writing poems) are given by nature. You cannot be able to do everything, but you can understand everything a little bit at a time. Delegate things in which you are not good at to professionals.

I trust everyone can program!
How much does it cost?
Now it can cost $40 or more to go to the movies with friends and have a snack at McDonald's.

We offer a monthly subscription of $9.99 which is less than $1 per day.

Think of what is more essetial to you: to have another hamburger every day or invest 30 cents in education, a profitable profession, or a hobby.

By the way, games can bring income. While your friends are living on their parents' money, you can already earn a living and can afford to travel. Now it is one of the most profitable professions which has overtaken the creation of cartoons and animation in terms of income
Price List
PointJS IDE ( Sub )
per month
Subscription is a great option to try our product
  • Visual game level map editor with drag-and-drop technology
  • Programming area with drag-and-drop technology
  • The code library and game resources. Ready-made solutions and snippets
  • Two consoles for debugging
You can subscribe, buy the full version or a educational license only by messaging directly to the developer of the game engine.

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PointJS IDE ( Study )
Educational license for students, state. and private educational institutions (from 10 copies)
  • Visual game level map editor with drag-and-drop technology
  • Programming area with drag-and-drop technology
  • The code library and game resources. Ready-made solutions and snippets
  • Scripts for working with raster graphics
  • Real-time controller for quick parameter setting
  • Two consoles for debugging
You can subscribe, buy the full version or a educational license only by messaging directly to the developer of the game engine.

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PointJS IDE ( Professional )
Full version IDE
  • Built-in node.js server for multiplayer game development
  • Multi-user mode of working on a project over the network. A good option for studios or teamwork. There is no need in renting a room and pay rent, everything can be done remotely
  • Access to courses and lessons that can be taken with homework checked and the feedback delivered. At the end of the course, you can get a certificate from the project which is known all over the world.
  • Synchronization of the project through GitLab (in development)
  • User profile, publication of the game in our catalog and on the website. Anyone can play your game and share a link.
  • Private chat
  • Mining PJS (in development)
  • You will receive a gift 10.000PJS
You can subscribe, buy the full version or a educational license only by messaging directly to the developer of the game engine.

Link me
If my subscription ends, will I be able to continue creating games? Where will my projects go?
You will always have access to your project.

You can output it to your computer at any time in the form of html, js, css, jpg, png, json, php files and refine it on your own.
If I have created a paid game, do I have to pay royalties to the developers of the engine?
You can create as many games as you want. All games are your product and the result of your creativity, you do not need to pay extra. You can work all your life on a subscription and create games that bring you millions of dollars.
our team
pointjs ide
scroll right/left to see more
Alexander Ptichkin game engine developer PoinJS
Aleksander Ptichkin
The founder of the project . The developer of the Points game engine. Video tutorials
Dmitry Kobzhitsky, lawyer, trademark registration for PoinJS
Dmitry Kobzhitsky
Lawyer. Registration of trademarks, protection of intellectual rights on the Internet
Programmer Anatoly
Programmer. PointJS IDE Development
Stanislav artist, game designer of characters and backgrounds of the project mult-uroki
Artist. Character and background designer. Telegram: @yarkostb98
Alexey, programmer, development of the social network
Technical consultant of the project. Social Network Developer
About the Author
Hi, I'm Alexander Ptichkin. For more than 10 years I have been teaching the creation of cartoons and animation in the Anime Studio Pro (Moho) program, as well as teaching the creation of computer games on my PointJS game engine. I founded the largest educational platfrom in Russia, gathered millions of students around the world and programmed unique technologies of movement and interaction of characters in multiplayer games, reducing the load on servers.

I have my own effective teaching methods. After my courses, students easily enter higher schools, work by profession or get engaged in profitable freelancing.

I also conduct trainings and train teachers to deliver the material in an interesting way so that students look forward to the next lesson and run to it. There are no thoughts in their head like "Oh, here we go again" or "When is this class over?
It all started in 2012 in a basement, where we (a group of enthusiasts) taught children creative professions: directing, filming, animation, photography, English, etc. And I also conducted master classes for children on creating cartoons in the technique of "computer rearrangement".

But not everyone could go to study. Slowly, the audience of students was decreasing, and in order to obtain more coverage, we switched to the Internet. I created a YouTube channel and started posting lessons that people all over the world could see. Now there are 900+ videos.

Later I created a website where people communicate, share their work and help each other. It turned out to be a full-fledged social network with a forum, personal messages, dialogs, a wall and a news feed. I called this project Mult-uroki.
After 5 years of working in animation, I became interested in creating games, especially since the areas turned out to be closely related. My students often did not make cartoons, but sprites for games. By chance, I met a man who made an html5 game engine. Seeing the prospects for the development of this product, I bought it at the development stage. Back in school, I was programming in BASIC, so it was easy to learn javascript. I continued the development and named the game engine PointJS.

Since then, I have created physics, isometry, collisions with objects of any shape and their detours along the shortest path. I am currently combining the PointJS engine with websocket technology to create high-bandwidth multiplayer games.

We have also created the full-fledged PointJS IDE game development environment.

Trademark of an educational project mult-uroki
Trademark game engine PointJS
Alexander Ptichkin presidential grant multfim First Chief and Ephraim the Builder
Presidential Grant
PointJS Game Engine
+ demo project
The PointJS game engine is a file format .js is only 98kb in size.

The engine itself is completely free. You can download it, install any code editor (for example, Sublime), open a browser window for visualization and create a game.

That's how we have worked for 7 years until we created the full-fledged game development environment.